Tuesday, February 3, 2009

the New York trip

So Marjorie and I are in New York.

We've been in Manhattan now for a couple weeks.  The inauguration was sort of a welcome to the city in a way.  We flew in the Sunday before, and watched it on TV on Tuesday.

Marjorie has cover contracts here at the Met that span the entire stretch of our stay here.  She's on contract right now as the 2nd cover to Leonora in Il Trovatore.  Her next contract overlaps with Trovatore where she'll be the Gerhilde cover in Die Walküre for the Met's Ring Cycle.  I, on the other hand, have been on a sort of vacation since we showed up.  It's been nice to sit back and relax for a bit.

I'm off to San Francisco in a couple weeks to give a recital through the Schwabacher Debut Recital series.  Information for that can be found on the link on my website, on the Schedule page.

And then I'm actually on contract at the Met for three weeks in March, covering the only two performances of Das Rheingold on the schedule this season, as Donner.

In April, I'll be in Grand Rapids Michigan for my first FAUST as Marguerite's military brother, Valentin.

Til then, though, it's nice to be able to enjoy Manhattan at a slower pace.  And I can spend time with my sister, Blythe, and her husband, Kazumi, who live in New Jersey, outside of Princeton.

Next up, I'll be backtracking somewhat to pick up where I left off with the updates I used to send out.  So check back within the coming week.

Aloha for now.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to read more about you, Quinn. Enjoy NYC, it's a great city and it's a lot of fun.

    And for your other projects:


    - Manuel

    PS - My wife, Sheli, says hello :)
